Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Cable Companies as a Monopoly Research Proposal
Cable Companies as a Monopoly - Research Proposal Example The paper will draw on previously published reports that address the topic. These reports and articles will help define what a monopoly is as well as determining the present status of the cable companies. The paper will define the various forms of monopoly and report on current trends and legislation that affect the cable television industry. It will, when appropriate, put the issue into a historical context to determine if the industry is moving towards a greater or lesser monopolistic hold. The paper will be written with the premise that a monopoly does not exist in the cable television market. It will present evidence of this point of view, while remaining open for the presentation of opposing viewpoints. It will conclude by presenting a synopsis of the data and drawing a conclusion. In the face of rising cable bills and falling levels of service it is tempting to seek out a culprit and point to the cable company that has a seeming monopoly on the delivery of television viewing and broadband delivery. It is reasonable to believe that since we have one cable coming into the house and only have the choice of one content provider that a monopoly exists and we are left without any consumer selection. However, that anecdotal information alone would not necessarily qualify the cable company as a monopoly. There is the bidding process that takes place that determines the provider to consider. There are also suitable substitutes available that may limit the use of the word 'monopoly' when applied to television and broadband. The cable television companies no longer have a monopolistic hold on television delivery, as they have been subjected to competition from new technologies and deregulation. When we speak of a monopoly, the classic vision is the company that has a total market share and there are no competitors and no substitute products. The word is often used in a negative context as monopolies have historically had the ability to raise prices above the point that a competitive market would allow. As an example, private railroads in the past were able to act with monopolistic characteristics, as there was no competition from other transportation means. However, monopolies may also be the result of the economics of scale. If the fixed costs or startup costs are of a value that prevents others from entry, it may form a natural monopoly, where one company is able to produce and sell the service at a lower cost that having two or more companies competing for the same market share. A monopoly may also exist if there are simply no competitors that wish to enter the market, but the company does not act like a monopoly in the distribution of its services or the pricing of its goods. In addition, there is a difference between a regulated industry and a monopoly. According to Bollick (1984), "because of structural conditions that exist in certain industries, competition between firms cannot endure; and whenever these conditions exist, it is inevitable that only one firm will survive. Thus, regulation is necessary to dilute the ill-effects of the monopoly". For the purposes of this paper, a company will be considered to be a monopoly when it willfully acts to eliminate competition through its business practices and practices monopolistic pricing policies. Cable
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discuss the role of Lady Macbeth in the play Essay Example for Free
Discuss the role of Lady Macbeth in the play Essay Lady Macbeth takes a leading role in the play. From the very first sighting, that we encounter her, her strong powerful character over powers us. I will be focusing on the role of Lady Macbeth, whom is married to the main character Macbeth. Lady Macbeth plays and important role in the play, as she influences events that take place to a large extent. As the play develops, we see Lady Macbeth displaying many aspects and qualities of her personality. Lady Macbeth by nature I believe is a manipulative woman; she has a goal in her sights and seems to use everything in her power to reach it. Her involvement in the murder of King Duncan is dominating; she formulates and directs the whole plan. Lady Macbeth is the person who gives the impetus to Macbeth to do what she believes he must do. The first time we come into contact with her is in Act 1 Scene 5 of the play. We see her performing a soliloquy. Here she makes an immediate impact, performing on her own centre stage, reading a letter from Macbeth. The letter informs her of Macbeths and Banqos meeting with the witches. It tells her of the witches prophecies to him the prophecy that one day she and her husband would become King and queen of Scotland. This idea seems to kindle a fire in Lady Macbeth. Immediately she seems to be forming a scheme, putting plans together to fulfil the witchs forecast of Macbeths life. This shows how determined and ambitious Lady Macbeth is. Glamis thou art, and Cawdor: and shalt be what though art promise. She promises that what the witchs predicted will be fulfilled. She indicates that she has immediately formulated the idea of a murder. This straight away creates a first impression on the audience evil personified! I fear thy nature, is too full of the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. Lady Macbeth knows he knows he is a man of honour and that she believes that he deserves the status of a king. Lady Macbeth realises it will be a hard decision or Macbeth, perhaps shocking idea that killing Duncan would be to catch the nearest way, to becoming a royalty himself. She knows it is an extremely tempting offer and he will suffer greatly over his final decision. She feels that he has a soft personality, and does not have it in him to fight for this position. He is too decent a man to take advantage of this opportunity. Lady Macbeth thinks he has the ambition but lacks the courage. She feels he is a kind, generous, noble man and cant go ahead with what she has in mind for him. Lady Macbeth feels as though only she can persuade Macbeth to Initially Lady Macbeth seems to have the stronger ambition of the two. She appears to be an individual who is totally devoid of moral conscience; she has the appearance of an unstoppable woman. She has strong beliefs that will power/courage are the only two things that should dominate Macbeths mind, Screw your courage to the sticking place! Someone who encapsulates evil. The audience comes to realise that Macbeth, who is very tempted by the notion of kingship, has no chance against this self-created monster. He is affect damned. The witches prophecy is something that Lady Macbeth is obsessed by and is determined to will into fruition. Her second soliloquy now shows the igniting of this wicked plan. She realises that Duncan is actually coming to visit her at the castle. Her first few lines are probably spoken in total amazement. He brings great news; She would probably exclaim this quite joyfully. This works on two levels though. It is a great honour to have the king himself staying the night. It is also her big chance, in her mind, not to be missed! Lady Macbeth makes a decision that he will not be leaving alive. She is fully confident that she is making the right decisions and that the chance that she has awaited has arrived. Lady Macbeth decides to take the opportunity and make sure that Duncan is killed. This shows that Lady Macbeth has no pity what so ever. She isnt going to let anyone come in her way. Lady Macbeth has clear ideas, and has planned exactly what has to be done. The raven himself is coarse, That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan. Since her first soliloquy, the audience has established that she has more ambition, and craves more domination than a woman (particularly at that time) is thought rightly to have. The notions that she has conjured up do not seem to be likely of a particularly feminine personality. She shows very little compassion or worry. Now, she (by the power of magic) wants to get rid of any womanly nature at all, Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here. She would deliver these lines as if calling to a divine power. She calls to the spirits that tend on mortal thoughts these are the spirits that tend on any murderous thought or ambition. Lady Macbeth wants the sympathetic nature of a woman to be taken away from her so that any feelings that stop her from doing this deed are got rid of. She asks them to, Stop thaccess and passage to remorse. She wants to be separate as possible from the milk of human kindness. She wants her breasts to be instead full of bitter poison. She probably desires to get rid of most human qualities, and, instead be on a par with these magic murdering ministers The spirits of evil and murder. Lady Macbeth becomes very impatient and wants time to pass quickly so that she can proceed with her plans. You wait on natures mischief! Comes thick night. She wants the night to fall quickly so that it can hide the murder she is planning in the shadow of its darkness. That my keen knife sees not the wound it makes. After she says this, it is clear to the audience that he is serious about killing Duncan and will go ahead with the deed. Lady Macbeth at this point has herself very excited. When her husband finally enters, we see him and her together for the first time. In her excitement Lady Macbeth addresses him as Great Glamis, Worthy Cawdor and then, All hail thereafter The king! This excitement would cause her, I believe, to change the way she speaks This excitement and more importantly the will power she derives from it seems to overtake her husband. This again reinforces the audiences suspicion that Lady Macbeth is pushing herself further than is appropriate. When she learns that Duncan will be coming the next day, she tells Macbeth that Duncan will not be seen on the face of the earth after tomorrow. O, never Shall sun that morrow see. She clearly states to Macbeth her feelings and what she believes needs to be done, in a straightforward manner. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he needs to change his personality, and that he needs to put on an act. To beguile the time, Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert. Lady Macbeth wants her husband to act innocent but have an evil soul. All of this shows how she enjoys dominating situations and people. Lady Macbeth likes to be in control of everything that happens. She is trying to persuade Macbeth to do the deed. Then also enjoy the end, which is becoming Queen herself. The nights great business into my dispatch. Leave all the rest to me. Lady Macbeth believes that she can sort everything out herself, as she knows what needs to be done, and how she is going to do it. She likes taking control of things. This shows she is single minded. In Act 1 scene 6, Duncan finally arrives. Lady Macbeth now proves how deceptive and two faced she really can be. Duncan arrives with nothing but compliments for the castle and its hosts, This castle hath a pleasant seat, See our honoured hostess. Lady Macbeth shows herself as the perfect hostess, All service in every point twice done, and then done double. Then she leads him triumphantly, almost as a trophy, into the castle and to his dreadful fate. In act 1 scene 7 Lady Macbeth has her work cut out for her. She constantly has to reinforce her husbands resolve, pushing him on. Macbeths resolve fails him, in his soliloquy, he is in agony with his doubts, and he decides against following through with the plot. We see her talking to Macbeth about killing Duncan. He thinks of all the reasons why he cannot kill his king. He sees him as an honourable king, an honourable man. He is His Kinsman, And Macbeth was his subject. Macbeth had been honoured by Duncan, being made Thane of Thife. He also worries what will happen, Tears shall drown the wind. He reaches his final decision; the murder will not go ahead. Macbeth seems to wake up, he doesnt ask his wives permission, and he seems to have regained control from her dominating influence. Lady Macbeth enters asking why Macbeth, as expected of a host, was present at the table, Macbeth asks hath he asked for me? Lady Macbeth replies, Know you not he has? I believe she would ask this question quite firmly; she wants Duncan to be oblivious to any negative feelings Macbeth may have. Macbeth goes straight to the point and out lines his reasons, We will proceed no further in this business; He hath honoured me of lateWhich would be worn in its newest gloss, not cast aside so soon. Lady Macbeth is somewhat taken aback staggered by her husbands decision. Here she thought she had the cat in the bag, her husband was prepared to take this amazing opportunity to grasp kingship. Her willpower had spurred him onto it. Now she saw she wasnt as powerful and influential as she originally thought she was She turns on Macbeth. In a moment she realises her willpower had not had its desired affect. Lady Macbeth changes, her tactics switch from unsexed to using her feminine powers. As a woman, she will now humiliate and manipulates Macbeth as a man. Lady Macbeth knows that it will sting Macbeth if she taunts him. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth had been mentioned to be, A worthy bridegroom for the goddess of war herself! He has been honoured for his great roles in battle by the king himself. Naturally, it will provoke Macbeth if his honour or masculinity is challenged. She taunts him: Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? Lady Macbeth I believe would utter this in mock disbelief. She would be sounding as if to be appalled at the lack of confidence in Macbeth conviction. It makes a fool of him, she asks, Were the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? She is saying, was your hope drunk? And now, wakes with a hangover regretting what it had said? She uses the words, pale and green to pictorially describe colours and shades that are normally associated with weak, and sickliness. She then continues, using her feminine power, to question his love for her, saying, Such I account thy love. Meaning his love to her is as one of his drunken promises. These are not words that Macbeth is accustomed to having directed at him. He is not used to having his courage mocked. He perfectly knows he is not a coward. He is one of the bravest men around. Lady Macbeth expects him to retort this way. He continues though, he puts his finger right on it, Who dares do more is none. Macbeth means whoever dares to do anything more daring, dangerous or maybe wicked, isnt human; they are supernatural, probably monstrous. Macbeth is defending himself, he is suggesting that anything more brave wouldnt make him a man, it would make him monster; and that is the truth. Macbeth knows its the truth, Lady Macbeth knows it is the truth, and importantly the audience realise this is the truth. He is prepared to do all men can do, but he draws the line at becoming a monster. Lady Macbeth would perhaps falter at this. Yet again though, she picks up the offensive, though in a slightly weaker position perhaps. She takes a risk by replying What beast wast then, that made you break this wicked enterprise to me? Lady Macbeth shifts the blame back onto Macbeth, claiming he was the one to hatch the plan, the crucial words being you break thisto me. The audience will pick up on this, realising that it was never Macbeth who ever originated the idea, it was in fact Lady Macbeth. Macbeth fails to see this though and she carries on. She reasons that when he (Macbeth) had proposed this enterprise to her, then he were a man. Lady Macbeth tries to change Macbeths perception of what is manly. She tries to change what Macbeth perceives as man, being brave and daring to do all that may become a man, to a man being almost a killing machine. She does this by saying When you durst do it, then you were a man. Lady Macbeth thinks that a man is someone who would do anything to make himself bigger, stronger or more powerful. Lady Macbeth then uses a slightly different tack; she uses shock tactics to demonstrate how she feels about following through with the murder. Lady Macbeth brings to mind the most grotesque image that she can think up. She says she would take a child, hers, and while it was smiling in my faceand dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done this. By this, Lady Macbeth reveals a side to her to her audience. She is evil and she will stop at nothing. What she meant by killing her child like this was to show her strength of conviction and willingness to carry out her word had I so sworn to you [Macbeth]. It appears to work, and Macbeth falters saying (indicating a change of heart) If we should fail? Lady Macbeth has now re-engaged him, and Macbeth is curious again. Again Lady Macbeth shows her strength of conviction and will, Screw your courage to the sticking place and well not fail, Lady Macbeth I think hits these words with a real sense of belief, urging Macbeth to think about it. Failing? Lady Macbeth declares that this is impossible. She proceeds to outline her plan, believing she now has Macbeth back onboard. She will make Duncans guards drunk and she and Macbeth will commit the murder, leaving the guards to take the fall for it. The plan is ruthlessly simple and cowardly. The audience cannot help but realise this; Lady Macbeth has thought this through non-stop and has made her plan as efficient and as fool proof as possible. Lady Macbeth makes it so safe, and has reconfirmed Macbeths original intentions but still Macbeth will know in the back of his mind, this is all wrong. Lady Macbeth has powerfully changed Macbeth, using his moral weaknesses exposed by his ambition, to change his mind. Macbeth has let his wifes iron will destroy his conscience and his somewhat sophisticated moral sense. Again though, the audiences are left with sub-conscience doubts about Lady Macbeths appearance of unshakeable strength. In Act 2-scene 2 there is more talking between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, about killing king Duncan. Here she displays he having controlled and authority over Macbeths mind and actions, but also how support she can be towards him. One of the things that particularly stood out was her inability to commit the murder herself. For all the boasting and the character she built up of herself, Lady Macbeth cannot do any of which she said she was so sure of. Lady Macbeth was supposed to commit the murder herself, but she goes in and comes straight back out again, being startled by a birds cry as she stands there. Macbeth comes up the stairwell and sees Lady Macbeth there; she seems to make some excuses for her being there saying, I am afraid they have awaked, then she admits, And tis done. Th attempt and not the deed. Lady Macbeth has faltered, and she cannot bring herself to the deed she swore she would do even if she had to dash her own childs brains out. She came into the chamber and almost I would imagine shouts the line, Hark! I laid the daggers ready. Lady Macbeth is angry I think with herself, as if she is ashamed. She makes the excuse that she entered, saw Duncan and saw he was like her father in his sleep and could not kill him baring in mind she was prepared to kill her own child. Macbeth nevertheless has killed Duncan. Macbeth is almost immediately feeling the consequences; he recounts it as if he suffered immediate guilt whilst he was doing the murder. Macbeth has started to crack; he is breaking down, saying that he heard voices saying he would no longer be able to sleep. What Lady Macbeth now faces is what ultimately destroys her. She has now to bear up to Macbeths faltering conscience amidst her own despair. Lady Macbeth tries to silence Macbeth, trying to drive the thoughts of guilt out of her mind trying to remain strong saying A foolish thought to say a sorry sight. A few lines on Lady Macbeth prophetically says, These deeds must not be thought. After these ways; so, it will make us mad. It is here that Lady Macbeths character has its biggest and final test. Lady Macbeth now reverts into a controlling wife, as she tries to distract her mind from what has happened by snapping into gear and sorting out what has happened. She is practical and tells her husband to go and wash himself of blood, and then she summons whatever courage she may have left to go and put the daggers with the guards to ensure that they have the blame. Again Lady Macbeth is practical, there is a knock at the door of the castle and she restrains her husband from answering it. Lady Macbeths mind is in full gear with this murder. She sees that it would be strange if they were to answer the door at this hour of the night saying, Get on youre night-gownAnd show us to be watchers. Lady Macbeth is in full control of her faculties at this point, whereas her husband is starting to really break down, already wishing hed not done it Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst. Lady Macbeth is not the strong person she appears to be though. Following on in Act 2 scene 3, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth perform an amazing drama to dupe them, and prove their innocence. Macduff arrives at the gate and goes to see the king in his chamber, and returns with the news of his death. The blame obviously falls upon the guards and Macbeth convincingly puts up a show that he loved Duncan so much that he kill the guards on the spot, Thus, removing any ability for them to defend themselves. Now, this does temporarily shift suspicion towards Macbeth, but he gives such an intricate and heartfelt speech, that combined with Lady Macbeth swooning and starting to faint, Help me hence, ho! She draws the attention away from Macbeth, it is enough to convince the others of their innocence at least for the moment. The murder also frightens Duncans sons; they fear that they might be next; this is probably true, since in order for Macbeth to have a good chance to become King, both of them must be killed. Therefore, they flee, and this puts them under suspicion. It could be reasoned that they might have killed their father in order to quicken their ascension to the throne. Again, all of which are complete lies. Such harmonious co-operation when under pressure shows that Lady and Lord Macbeth do indeed work well together, and have an excellent relationship. In Act 3-scene 2 Macbeth is crowned King, one of the first things Macbeth does, is have Banquo assassinated. It is important to note that he does this independently of his wife; his coronation seems to have given him new courage. We see Lady Macbeth being impatient. Lady Macbeth is again telling Macbeth to put his past behind him, Whats done is done, Putting more strain on their relationship. Macbeth obviously however has taken over, he hints to Lady Macbeth that he has a plan in action and she should be, Innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck. Lady Macbeth knows something is going on, however see isnt fully aware of it. She thinks this after a conversation with Macbeth as he means to be unsettled and sneaky. Lady Macbeth tried to lighten things with Macbeth by telling him not regret anything. Things without all remedy She is telling him not to think about something that cant be corrected. Lady Macbeth is the opposite however; she is at heart a weaker woman than Macbeth is the stronger man. She does start to feel guilt and consequences for her actions; she cannot keep the ruthless monster image up. Lady Macbeth wants to know what Macbeth is planning behind her back, however he refuses to tell her that he is plotting to kill Banquo. Whats to be done Lady Macbeth shows that she is curious and dislikes being left out with Macbeths plans. Macbeth even teasingly knows this, saying in affect that she would prefer not to know the details of his plan. Lady Macbeth herself however, is doubtful in her new found power; she is troubled by their present state. However, she does tell Macbeth this, who is already worried, almost to the point of suicide by his speech. Instead, she comforts him again, advising him not to brood on the past. However, he is still deeply concerned. He tells his wife of his plan to kill Banquo, and for a change, she asks him what to do. He tells to do as she has told him; to put on a false face, and pretend nothing has happened. Macbeth does however, suggest his discontent about his deceitfulness, but recognises its necessity. This switching of roles due to Macbeths increased confidence and Lady Macbeths lack of is perhaps quite important. It shows that their relationship is changing. The Lady Macbeth of Act-1 has lost its initiative in evil. Act 3 Scene 4 Lady Macbeth becomes increasingly worn down by her husbands own mental deterioration. Macbeth makes quite a scene at his feast, holding a party to celebrate his title of king. It starts with him not sitting at the table and instead having a furious conversation with one of the murderers of Banquo. Lady Macbeth hurries in saying that You do not give a cheer. The feast is sold, Macbeth is acting strangely to his guests, but this is not the strangest thing to happen yet by far. Macbeth becomes hallucinated and colour drains from his face and he begins to shout because of seeing a ghost, only visible to himself a ghost of Banquo. Lady Macbeth immediately covers for him, Sit worthy friends Lady Macbeth realises that Macbeth is about to give the whole game away and has to desperately rescue herself and her husband. She tells the guest that Macbeth is having a fit, but he will soon recover. She calms Macbeth down, by calling him out the room to ensure he doesnt say anything he shouldnt. You have displace Lady Macbeth is totally confused to why he is acting like this; she then goes on by asking the guests, with a complete lack of ceremony, to leave immediately. Stand upon the order. Lady Macbeth is very rude in telling the guest to go, as she fears that Macbeth might say something he shouldnt. This surely wears her down and worries her of what the guests may think. Lady Macbeth tries to pull Macbeth together, but it has no effect. She is undergoing along with her husband a state of intense mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. This is the last time the Macbeths are seen together as one working unit. Lady Macbeth says little at this point and cannot seem to match her husbands vigour. Macbeth says, I amoer Meaning he admits that he is too far-gone, it is simpler to carry on his bloody ways than to turn back now. Lady Macbeth urges him to stop, telling him he lacks sleep and needs to go to bed. Macbeths range of evil has outstretched Lady Macbeths, she is beyond it all. This is the last time that Lady Macbeth is seen as sane. In fact, Lady Macbeth is not present in any of Act-4, not appearing until into Act-5. Scene I is where the most obvious change of Lady Macbeth unfolds. The long absence of Lady Macbeth until Act-5 reinforces her appearance as the mad, delusional woman in scene ii. Her mental stability reaches its terminal point and this once monster, becomes nothing but a nervous wreck. The human traits of guilt, conscience and common human feeling all catch up with Lady Macbeth. She could not run from them forever, and now they have reduced her to a pitiful state. Lady Macbeth walks around her bedroom, shuffling nervously, crying out when she cannot remove a figurative spot of blood or guilt. Lady Macbeth recounts her guilty deeds but as a sign of her mental disarray, she cannot tell them in any chronological order. I would imagine an actor playing the part of Lady Macbeth telling each incident that she calls to mind, as if it cuts her mentally breaking up her mind. The agony that Lady Macbeth passes through will eventually lead to the last part of her deterioration. Her agony will drive her to despair and ultimately, she is mentioned to have committed suicide. In act 5 scene 5, we learn that Lady Macbeth is dead. This is a bad end for Lady Macbeth; though, a woman of powerful ambition and driving force, and a person in an influential position she dies pathetically. This end runs parallel to the events of the play and reflects on the outcome of the theme of evil throughout. Lady Macbeth thought she was as evil as she could wish to be, as unconnected from other womanly and human qualities as she might choose. She believed ambition and will power were everything yet it was all these things that ultimately lead to her end. Lady Macbeth thought that her ambition and worldly success would justify any move she made. Lady Macbeth would not accept that evil is self-destructive. Her impressions of overpowering evil were in the end of a day only an impression. Her conscience first shows its greater power when she is unable to kill Duncan herself. Her next step was when she had to come to terms with her and her husbands reality of evil. The mounting guilt becomes heavier and heavier on her, with the killing of Banquo and the guards. She has to continue to keep up her appearances and her husbands resolve, excusing his behaviour, supporting him, all whilst keeping on top of her own mental condition until he overtakes her in evil. This has its obvious end; she has no way of escape, which further tortures her mental condition. The only way out of her self-created downward spiral was her own death.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Power of T.S. Eliots The Waste Land Essay -- T.S. Eliot Waste Lan
The Power of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land à à T. S. Eliot, perhaps one of the most controversial poets of modern times, wrote what many critics consider the most controversial poem of all, The Waste Land.à The Waste Land was written using a fragmented style.à This is a style that is evident in all of Eliot's writings.à There are several reasons for his using this approach, from a feeling of being isolated, to a problem articulating thoughts (Bergonzi 18, Cuddy 13, Mack 1745, Martin 102). à à à à à à What influenced Eliot the most in writing poetry was a book he read written by the English critic, Arthur Symon, titled The Symbolist Movement in Literature.à This book is about French symbolist writers of the 19th century.à From this book, the author who had the greatest influence on Eliot is by farà Jules Laforgue.à Laforgue's influence is evident in many of Eliot's poems, sometimes to the point of plagiarism.à Like Laforgue, Eliot uses dialogue between men and women that doesn't seem to communicate a thing.à Other author's had an influence on Eliot as well, like Henry James and Joseph Conrad.à All of these poet's had the common themes of estrangement from people and the world, isolationism, and the feeling that they were failing to articulate their thoughts (Bergonzi 7, 50, Cuddy 30, Mack 1743, Martin 41, Unger 8). à à à à à à à à Henry James influence on Eliot's poetry is evident in the Jamesian qualities he uses.à For example, the opening verse ofà The Waste Landà ends with the Jamesian note, "I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter" (Mack, 1751).à Although Lafourge, Conrad, and James were used as sources... ... real influence on mankind's morals, but he certainly impacted modern literature (Unger 36). à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Works Cited à Bergenzi, Bernard. T. S. Eliot, Collier Books, New York New York, 1972 à Cuddy, Lois A., and David H. Hirsch, eds. Critical Essays on T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land.à G. K. Hall & Co., 1991. à Kenner, Hugh, ed. T. S. Eliot: A Collection of Critical Essays.à Prentice Hall Inc., 1962. à Mack, Maynard. ed.à The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces Sixth Edition. W. W. Norton and Company, 1992: 1743 - 1770. à Martin, Graham. ed. Eliot in perspective.à Humanities Press, 1970. à Ricks, Christopher.à T. S. Eliot and Prejudice.à University of California Press, 1988. à Unger, Leonard.à T. S. Eliot.à University of Minnesota Press, 1970.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Online Marketing â⬠Grocery Retailing Business Essay
ââ¬Å"With household internet access continuing to increase, the customer base for online grocery shopping is widening, while other technological innovations such as the advent of smart phones is further benefiting the marketâ⬠(Source: ââ¬Å"Global Market Review of Online Grocery Retailingâ⬠report available at The grocery retailing industry has many opportunities inherent in it for online marketing, and the competitive advantages that it would provide. While local brick-and-mortar storefronts will always be necessary ââ¬â due to the perishable nature of many items, the bulk and expense of shipping groceries and the occasional need to purchase something immediately ââ¬â there are ways in which the internet can be leveraged to add to consumer convenience and increased profits. Providing online shopping is a possibility for grocery retailers. Itââ¬â¢s very different than dry-goods retailers such as books, music, shoes and apparel ââ¬â or services being marketing such as travel. ââ¬Å"To date, sales of food and drinks over the internet have yet to make the same impact observed in other parts of the consumer goods industry, most notably books, clothing and electronic items such as computer equipmentâ⬠(Source: ââ¬Å"Global Market Review of Online Grocery Retailingâ⬠report available at One way to leverage the internet ââ¬â and I have seen this at my local ShopRite ââ¬â is to purchase groceries online and pick them up at the local store. The shopper clicks on the items they want in an online virtual market, which are then gathered by a ââ¬Å"personal shopperâ⬠in the store. The shopper then drives over to the market, pays at the customer service counter near the front of the store, from which an associa te will even wheel the cart out and load the bags into their vehicle. The potential is also there for personalization. By tracking online purchases, a profile can be developed with shorter lists of preferred items from which selections can be made. There could be a ââ¬Å"standard templateà orderâ⬠(bread, milk, eggs, etc.) or whatever the consumer buys on a regular basis ââ¬â which could provide a starting point, then be tweaked or added to by the consumer depending on their needs at any particular time. The system could become so sophisticated so as to proactively tell a consumer of an upcoming discount or sale price on an item. In this form of integrated marketing, For example, Iââ¬â¢m entering an order and going to put an item on there that I usually buy. The smart technology has already prepared an item profile, and can tell me that it is going on sale in a few days, in case I want to wait to take advantage of the lower price. It could also inform me of a manufacturerââ¬â¢s coupon I may not be aware of ââ¬â and send me to that supplierââ¬â¢s website for a printable or scannable coupon. Online shopping can reach more customers. Perhaps there are elderly, handicapped or other shut-ins for whom it is inconvenient to shop in a grocery store. So maybe they let a relative do their shopping, which would be at the store of the relativeââ¬â¢s choosing. Now, the consumer can bring their business to the store of their own choosing, and simply ask someone to pick it up. Or perhaps they can drive, just not walk around the store. This could also increase the order size, since someone will be pushing it around the store and loading it into their vehicle for them. The opportunity also exists for a store to provide or arrange for delivery service to the consumerââ¬â¢s home. Increasing customer loyalty is another way in which grocery retailers can utilize online marketing to increase business. Many stores already have store cards with store discounts and coupons attached to them, as well as incentive goals to be reached with benefits attached. With online marketing, all of this information can be tracked. The coupons that print at the register and many people throw away or misplace, can now all be stored virtually and in one convenient place to be accessed when needed. The removal of expired coupons could also be automated. The opportunities for marketing in this space are vast, and we have only scratched the surface.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
GFR and Ret51
A) GFR and Ret51 both are receptors, GDNF is found to promote PNS development and kidney morphogenesis through the receptor complex consisting of GDNF family receptor 1 (GFR1) and the other receptor tyrosine kinase (Ret). Ret signal transduction is increased by translocation of GFR. GFR-mediated Ret activation is essential too for the kidney morphogenesis and for various other functions of abdominal precursors that form abdominal nervous system. Also, GFR has many lipid rafts because its GPI anchorage, but Ret is expelled from lipid rafts. In this paper, the gene replacement for GFR in mice results GDNF resulting in Ret activation but prevented its translocation into lipid rafts. These mice showed renal agenesis, and other disorders including loss of the enteric nervous system, and defects in motor neuron axon path similar to GFR mice that was knocked out, all this provided evidence along with lipid rafts GFR is also needed for neurotrophic factor signaling. B) Primary considerate neurons secluded from Gfr1and Gfr1TM/TM mice were maintained in vitro for some days. Then they treated the neurons with GDNF or medium for exact time of 15 minutes. The Detergent-resistant membranes quarantined from the neurons were examined by immunoblotting for Ret51. The comparative purity of detergent resistant and detergent soluble fractions was confirmed by using immunoblotting for caveolin and transferrin receptor, respectively B, the experiments shown in A, were computed and graphed. Otherwise, Substantial decline in the amount of Ret51 was recorded statistically that translocated into lipid rafts while GDNF stimulation in Gfr1TM/TM neurons compared with Gfr1 neurons. Similar Results were obtained after performing the experiment four times.Moreover, Lipid raft translocation experiments were performed to prove the concept that GDNF/GFR1/Ret complex does not translocate into lipid rafts in Gfr1TM/TM mice. Primary sympathetic neurons from Gfr1/ and Gfr1TM/TM mice were used to extract detergent-resistant membranes. Upon stimulation of Gfr1/ neurons with GDNF, Ret translocated quickly into lipid rafts. This was a contrast to Gfr1TM/TM neurons that an evident reduced movement of Ret into the detergent-resistant was recorded because of GDNF exposure. A small portion of Ret that did translocate into lipid rafts while stimulation may be owing to Ret kinase-dependent translocation of Ret into rafts that occurs with slower movements. There was a significant, 75% reduction in the kinetics of the Ret receptor complex into lipid rafts during GDNF exposure in Gfr1TM/TM neurons according to computation made by these experiments. C) The negative control design here for confirming the results that Ret doesn't translocate into lipid rafts during GFL activation in Gfr1TM/TM neurons, the primary sympathetic neurons isolated from Gfr1/and Gfr1TM/TM mice will be grown in the same way as test ones, with the only difference that there will be no treatment with GDNF or medium for 15 minutes, and the impact of this will confirm the result to much greater extent upon immunoblotting.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Respons to The Joy Luck Club essays
A Respons to The Joy Luck Club essays Upon reading The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, I was fascinated by the many ways in which a segmented collection of unrelated stories could weave themselves into a book with all the elements of realistic fiction. First of all, I found a good deal of symbolism carried throughout the book. Some symbols were very clear, like Lindo's red candle and Suyuan's pendant. Others, however, were more subtle. In Lena's story, "Rice Husband", I always took her vase to be a symbol of her marriage. It sits upon a wobbly table, always threatening to fall off, and is finally broken by Ying-ying, who claims it to be an accident. Since Lena's husband, Harold, had built the table himself, perhaps the vase's instability was a symbol of his lack of support in their relationship. Lena, however, was always aware of the vase being in danger, but chose to leave it there anyway. I noticed, while reading, that there were several recurring ideas, although I am not quite sure as to what they may or may not represent. For example, many of the characters mention sexism, in one way or another. While it has been a problem in both China and the United States, many of the stories seem to involve sexism. When An-mei's mother is raped by her future husband, she must marry him in order to keep her pride and honor in society. Men, however, are allowed as many concubines as they want, and never seem to be judged or looked down upon. Ying-ying is also taught to be passive as a young child, being told by her nursemaid to listen and not ask. When Lindo is forced to live with her mother-in-law and husband, she is treated very poorly and is practically abused because they expect her to do what she is told to. Ironically, although all the mothers were searching for new lives in America, their daughters experience sexism, too, showing that many cultures, however different, hav e similar flaws. Waverly is driven away when she asks to play chess with the men in the park because they do ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Perceptions of Islam1 essays
Perceptions of Islam1 essays How the West Perceives Islam and what Mazrui thinks is the Reality Most Westerners tend to view the Islamic societies as somewhat backward in their beliefs according to Mazrui. Commonly Westerners believe that this is due to the oppressed religious beliefs of Islamic's. They also believe that the Islamic society is governed inhumanely in comparison to the enlightened, well-rounded democracy of the Western world. However the measurement of cultural differences between the West and Islam is somewhat complex, and the differences between the two is narrower than assumed by most Western beliefs. Islam is not considered just a religion, and most certainly is not just a fundamentalist political movement but is a civilization and a way of life that varies from one Muslim country to another. The Westerners seem fail to recognize how their own societies have failed to live up to their liberal mythology. Many aspects of Islamic culture that Westerners regard as medieval may even have prevailed in their own culture until fairly recently. In most cases, Islamic societies are only a few decades behind in the socially and technologically advanced Westerners. The main question that we must ask ourselves is what path leads to the highest quality of life for the average citizen without the worry of being abused in the process. According to Mazrui, Islamic values deserve serious consideration because the West doesnt provide the answers to all the questions being asked. Many Westerners regard Muslim societies as being unenlightened when it comes to the rights of women, and it is true that the question regarding women is still troublesome in most Muslim countries. The rules regarding the Islamic beliefs on sexual modesty have often resulted in excessive segregation of the sexes in public places, sometimes bringing about questionable differences regarding womens rights. However, Muslim women have always been permitted to own property where t ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Present Participles in Spanish Known as Gerunds
Present Participles in Spanish Known as Gerunds The Spanish verb form equivalent to -ing verbs in English is known as the present participle or gerund. The gerund always ends in -ando,à iendo, or rarely -yendo. The Spanish gerunds are used much less than the -ing verbs of English, however. Conjugating Spanish Present Participles The Spanish present participle of regular verbs is formed by removing the -ar ending and replacing it with -ando, or by removing the -er or -ir ending and replacing it with -iendo. Here are examples of each of the verb types: hablar (to speak) - hablando (speaking)beber (to drink) - bebiendo (drinking)vivir (to live) - viviendo (living) The verbs that have irregular present participles almost always use the same -ando and -iendo endings, but they have changes in the stems. For example, the present participle of venir (to come) is viniendo (coming), and the present participle of decir (to say) is diciendo (saying). To prevent awkward spellings, a few verbs use a -yendo ending in the participle instead of -iendo. For example, the present participle of leer (to read) is leyendo (reading). Using Gerunds for the Progressive Tenses As a beginning Spanish student, the way you are most likely to use the present participle is with the verb estar (to be) to form what is known as the present progressive tense. Here are some examples of that usage: Estoy estudiando. (I am studying.) Est lavando la ropa. (He is washing the clothing.) Estamos comiendo el desayuno. (We are eating breakfast.)à Here is the present-tense indicative conjugation of estar combined with a sample present participle to form the present progressive tense: yo - Estoy escribiendo. - I am writing.tà º - Ests escribiendo. - You are writing.à ©l, ella, usted - Est escribiendo. - He/she/you is/is/are writing.nosotros, nosotras - Estamos escribiendo. - We are writing.vosotros, vosotras - Estis escribiendo. - You are writing.ellos, ellas, ustedes - Estn escribiendo. - They/you are writing. The same can be done with other tenses and moods. Although it isnt necessary to learn these yet if youre a beginner, here are some examples to demonstrate the concept: Estarà © escribiendo. - I will be writing.Espero que està © escribiendo. - I hope youre writing.Estaba escribiendo. - I/you/he/she was/were writing. The progressive tenses are used less in Spanish than they are in English. As a general rule, they place an emphasis on the continuing nature of the action. For example, the difference between leo and estoy leyendo is roughly the difference between I am reading and I am in the process of reading. (Leo can also mean simply I read, indicating a habitual action.) Present Participles Used Mostly With Other Verbs One of the major differences between the present participles in English and Spanish is that while the English present participle can frequently be used as an adjective or a noun, in Spanish the present participle is nearly always used in conjunction with other verbs. Here are some examples of the present participle in use: Estoy pensando en ti. (I am thinking about you.)Anda buscando el tenedor. (He is walking around looking for the fork.)Sigue estudiando los libros. (She keeps on studying the books.) Haces bien estudiando mucho. (Youre doing well by studying much.) At this stage, you do not need to analyze these sentences or understand the details of how the present participle is used. Note, however, that in all these examples the gerund is used to indicate some form of continuing action, and that it can be translated using an -ing verb (although it doesnt have to be). Cases where you wouldnt use the Spanish participle to translate an -ing verb include instances where the English present participle is used as a noun or adjective. Note these examples: Ver es creer. (Seeing is believing.)Tiene un tigre que come hombres. (She has a man-eating tiger.)Hablar espaà ±ol es divertido. (Speaking Spanish is fun.)Me gusta comer. (I like eating.)Comprà © los zapatos de correr. (I bought the running shoes.) Also note that while in English we can use the present progressive tense to refer to a future event (as in We are leaving tomorrow), that cant be done in Spanish. You must use either the simple present tense (salimos maà ±ana) or a future tense (saldremos maà ±ana or vamos a salir maà ±ana).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Good Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Good Life - Essay Example This positive vibe helps in accomplishing our dreams and whatever we want to achieve at a certain point of time. Another method that can be helpful is trying to concentrate on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. Once we are aware what we are capable of, we become confident, this confidence in return helps us to become happy and satisfied. Satisfaction is something which is lacking in us today. We are always craving for more and more. The ongoing hunger to get more and more takes away our happiness. Let us take a simple example in this context. A rich man is never satisfied and always tensed, the reason being that he is greedy to have more. He can never be content and happy. Where as a poor man realizes that he cannot achieve much in his life and he is content with what he has and never tries to get more. He is happier compared to the rich man. So, we can understand one thing that luxury cannot give us happiness or in other words, one does not need to be rich to lead a good life . A simple life is important to lead a good life. Another important thing that needs to be kept in mind is that we should never hold on t our past, rather we should let it go. The past cannot be changed but holding to it will definitely ensure that we ignore in building a better future. One should learn from the past and try to be better prepared for the future.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Dramatic Literature Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Dramatic Literature Analysis Paper - Essay Example Each member of the Younger family is driven by the dreams of their own. Mama intends to buy a house of her own while the son, Walter Lee, wants to invest money on a liquor store which, according to him, will solve their financial crisis. Unfortunately, their race and Walters business partners betrayal stand in the path of the fulfillment of their dreams. However, the family sticks together to make their dreams come true. The main characters strive to deal with the tyrannical circumstances inflicted upon them. All the sufferings they endure, fights they indulge in and the frustration that comes out in various ways, including Waltersà fights with Ruth, Mama, and Beneatha, à Ruthââ¬â¢s consideration of an abortion and Beneatha dating two very different men, certainly seems to be the result of their intense struggle to attain their dreams. However, the final realization that the dream of a house is most important for it unites the family, exhibits that pride in oneself is the only way to hold on to oneââ¬â¢s self-esteem and assert oneââ¬â¢s value as a human being. Similarly, Mamaââ¬â¢s dedication to the plant is the symbol of her utmost care and dream for her family to move up in theà world. The play A Raisin in the Sun is an intriguing piece of work by Hansberry which describes the importance of family and unity. It is thought provoking as it describes the efforts of a poor black family that, despite the numerous predicaments, choose to stick together to attain a place of its
History 1118 United States History and Culture Term Paper
History 1118 United States History and Culture - Term Paper Example Here, the law allows for two senators for each state in the United States. In addition, the minimum term allowed by law to all senates is six years, with each senate having one vote. This part of the US constitution also has a provision that the senators will be elected into office by the specific legislatures of the state in which they seek rulership. Nonetheless, the 17 amendment has the same provisions like those in the article one, section three, except one difference with regard to the method of election for the senators. Therefore, while the number of senators, number of votes, and term of office is similar in both cases, the 17th amendment considers popular vote or electors as the main method of election of senators. In addition, the 17th amendment included that each senator seeking office must meet certain qualifications, including specific age and residency qualifications (Gailmard 324). Nonetheless, this amendment is responsible for various changes in the United States. Bef ore the 17th amendment, the constitution of the United States had specified that only the legislatures of a senate would elect a senator. Therefore, the American citizens did not participate in the election of their senators. However, beginning the mid 1850ââ¬â¢s this election system of senators by the government began to raise concerns among the American citizens, who felt they were being excluded from this important practice. Meanwhile, in 1866, in order to control this election approach, the US Congress passed a law, which was considered the main influence of the 17th amendment. However, this law did not change the election method of senators, thus was less useful, as most people wanted to be involved in voting in their senators. In the year 1893, the proposal for constitutional amendment in favour of direct elections of senators was first made. However, for a long time, this was not implemented, despite it being proposed every year. In 1903, this proposal was made in the US C ongress, but the senate rejected it. However, in May 1912, the Congress passed direct elections of senators as the 17th amendment, and had it ratified in April 1913. Apart from allowing for direct elections of senators, it also allowed for a way of replacing senators, when the senate seat became vacant before the end of a term (Gailmard 324). As seen the government of the United States only allowed the legislatures in a state to elect the senator of their state. Various parties, including the founding fathers who wrote the constitution, as well as President James Madison, influenced this decision. In 1787, various delegates from different states were invited to Philadelphia to attend the Constitutional Convention meant to improve various confederation articles. James Madison attended and kept he took notes during the convention. From Madisonââ¬â¢s notes, it is possible to understand the main reasons why the founding fathers, who created the US constitution, were opposed to a Cong ress made up of a single house, thus, supporting the senate. In addition, one might understand why the founding fathers were of the opinion that state legislatures, and not the majority, elect senators. Nonetheless, deciding that state legislatures appoint senators was in a bid to prevent or avoid the election of unethical or incompetent individuals into the senate. The founding fathers
Thursday, October 17, 2019
My Philosophy of Education (Early Childhood Education) Essay
My Philosophy of Education (Early Childhood Education) - Essay Example Educators may ask the child why they did not surpass the activity. Asking for their outputs can direct children in honest assessment. No one is perfect. Teaching youngster to accept others failure with activities can cultivate their mentality with respect to other's failure. Let them think that every failure is an opportunity for further learning. Behind tasks or activities comes along responsibilities for learners to accomplish it. Giving them the understanding of finishing the tasks is an achievement that will merit soon. Applying rewarding system to this will give them the persistent determination and setting it as a goal. Mostly, young children like meriting their achievements. Let them know what they do right. This contributes their faith that learning is fun both intellectual and physical. Learning begins at the very early stage of life. From birth, learning is continues progression throughout life. Every stage in life contributes in how a person is shaped and nurtured. Knowledge can be acquired and the kind of environment people intermingle can be a factor to how he is developed. Proper education from the early stage of development is highly considered in raising children aptly. Education formally is a social science tha... From birth, learning is continues progression throughout life. Every stage in life contributes in how a person is shaped and nurtured. Knowledge can be acquired and the kind of environment people intermingle can be a factor to how he is developed. Proper education from the early stage of development is highly considered in raising children aptly. Education formally is a social science that encompasses teaching and learning specific knowledge, beliefs, and skills (Education). Encompassing early childhood education needs special curriculum in edifying them appropriately to aid in their early stage of growth. Fostering children is a crucial task which need continues monitoring with their improvement and growth. Considering the essentialness of the subject introduces to young children and their capacity to conceive must be gauged and assessed properly. As a requisite, proper environment and the right childhood educator have to be defined to constitute excellent learning possibility. It seems rational to make adjustment with the curriculum if needed. In this method, young children will have the suitable scheme for learning. Define different stages of learning and monitor them for proper assessment. Recording of the rate of learning can be tracked by charting. Necessary decisions can be made from these data concerning changes in learning curriculum. Building the foundations for educating young children is a task of a lifetime. Educator-student communication is always the key. One must implement an effective institution for cultivating children considering its socio-emotional aspects. The reward will be fulfilling when you have successfully guide a child to demonstrate his best WORKS CITED "Education." Wikipedia: The Free
AUSTRALIAN Company Law - the 4 step process and short answer questions Essay
AUSTRALIAN Company Law - the 4 step process and short answer questions - Essay Example Under the Act as quoted above, there are three major entities defined in relation to the case and these are Catering WA as a corporate entity, Jasmine Trendy as a partner in the firm, and Adam, who acts as another partner. Given the positions of these three major entities, it would be noted from the case that s17 of the Act holds none else but Jasmine, who is a partner within the company liable for her acts, which has brought upon breaches of the companyââ¬â¢s internal constitution. In a manner that Catering WA was never officially notified of the actions or intentions of Jasmine, the condition of the law that ââ¬Ëif a partner in a firm other than an incorporated limited partnershipââ¬â¢ becomes binding and excludes Catering WA from any wrong doing. In inference, it is only under a circumstance where Catering WA had acted in the negotiation by giving Jasmine the matching audacity to undertake the said purchases that the company would have had itself binding to the committed breach of use of the company money in making external purchases. On the part of Adam, there is only one premise under which he could be found liable in this instance and that is if premise (2) of s17 is found to apply in his case. In the said provision of the Act, it is stated that: But because Adam is outside Western Australia, he may well have a justification that even though the constitution of the company is in the public domain, he never had personal access to it and so could not be affected by the liability because he the partner ââ¬Ëknew about the breach of trust.ââ¬â¢ In the recent case Wright Prospecting Pty Limited -V- Hancock Prospecting Pty Limited [No 9] [2010] WASC 44, a practice of ââ¬Å"prohibition in temporary reserves on entry into any arrangement to transfer the property without ministerial consentâ⬠was permitted primarily under the s 7 of the Property Law Act 1969 (WA) because the partner in the firm, which in this case was the Ministry
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
My Philosophy of Education (Early Childhood Education) Essay
My Philosophy of Education (Early Childhood Education) - Essay Example Educators may ask the child why they did not surpass the activity. Asking for their outputs can direct children in honest assessment. No one is perfect. Teaching youngster to accept others failure with activities can cultivate their mentality with respect to other's failure. Let them think that every failure is an opportunity for further learning. Behind tasks or activities comes along responsibilities for learners to accomplish it. Giving them the understanding of finishing the tasks is an achievement that will merit soon. Applying rewarding system to this will give them the persistent determination and setting it as a goal. Mostly, young children like meriting their achievements. Let them know what they do right. This contributes their faith that learning is fun both intellectual and physical. Learning begins at the very early stage of life. From birth, learning is continues progression throughout life. Every stage in life contributes in how a person is shaped and nurtured. Knowledge can be acquired and the kind of environment people intermingle can be a factor to how he is developed. Proper education from the early stage of development is highly considered in raising children aptly. Education formally is a social science tha... From birth, learning is continues progression throughout life. Every stage in life contributes in how a person is shaped and nurtured. Knowledge can be acquired and the kind of environment people intermingle can be a factor to how he is developed. Proper education from the early stage of development is highly considered in raising children aptly. Education formally is a social science that encompasses teaching and learning specific knowledge, beliefs, and skills (Education). Encompassing early childhood education needs special curriculum in edifying them appropriately to aid in their early stage of growth. Fostering children is a crucial task which need continues monitoring with their improvement and growth. Considering the essentialness of the subject introduces to young children and their capacity to conceive must be gauged and assessed properly. As a requisite, proper environment and the right childhood educator have to be defined to constitute excellent learning possibility. It seems rational to make adjustment with the curriculum if needed. In this method, young children will have the suitable scheme for learning. Define different stages of learning and monitor them for proper assessment. Recording of the rate of learning can be tracked by charting. Necessary decisions can be made from these data concerning changes in learning curriculum. Building the foundations for educating young children is a task of a lifetime. Educator-student communication is always the key. One must implement an effective institution for cultivating children considering its socio-emotional aspects. The reward will be fulfilling when you have successfully guide a child to demonstrate his best WORKS CITED "Education." Wikipedia: The Free
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O'Connor Research Paper
Good Man Is Hard To Find By Flannery O'Connor - Research Paper Example Oââ¬â¢Connor drew experiences for her work from growing up as a Catholic in the South and this explains why she featured religious themes by having priest characters in her work. She had her first publication while at the University of Iowa undertaking her masterââ¬â¢s degree. Afterwards, she went on to spend time at a Sarasota Springs, Yaddo that is acclaimed as a retreat for New York artists. Her most recognized work was A Good Man is Hard to Find and other stories published in 1955 and in 1965 Everything that Rises must Converge. She received various awards, most prominent the O Henry Award in 1957 and posthumously, in 1972 the National Book Award. Introduction Cited as one of the best examples of Southern Gothic literature, A Good Man is Hard to Find is set around a family of six- a grandmother, Bailey, his wife, baby and two children as well as a character known as The Misfit. These are the main characters of the story that is centered on the family going on vacation to ea st Tennessee as suggested by the grandmother, instead of Florida which was Baileyââ¬â¢s original idea. ... The family ignores Baileyââ¬â¢s mother referred to simply as The Grandmother and heads off to Florida from their home in Georgia the following day. In the morning the family sets off with The Grandmother being seen to have gained enthusiasm for the trip, she secretly stows away her cat in a basket and wears a dress and a hat with flowers stating that this would ensure that if they had an accident people would be able to recognize her as a lady (Oââ¬â¢Connor 3b). This paper seeks to explore a theme of grace versus contradictory Christian beliefs following the beliefs held by The Grandmother and The Misfit. The contradictory Christian belief is a general mistrust of others that The Grandmother mentions whereas The Misfit is seen to live a life of remorselessness yet he wonders about Jesus. The story is generally a dark comical tale where its comical feature is mainly brought out by the character of The Grandmother. While in the car headed towards Florida, The Grandmother tells th e children various stories one such being about one of her suitors a man by the name Edgar Atkins Teagarden who brought her a watermelon each week carved with his initials- E.A.T but one time a black kid ate the watermelon because he read the watermelons as eat (Oââ¬â¢Connor 5b). The family then proceeds to stop by a restaurant known as Tower owned by a man named Red Sammy Butts, here Oââ¬â¢Connor highlights the theme of mistrust through Red Sammy who states that he had sold gas to some men promising that they would return to pay him but they did not. He tells this story to The Grandmother who commends him for being kind and calls him a good man. Red Sammyââ¬â¢s wife comes into the conversation stating that she also does not trust anyone, her husband included. Red Sammy maintains
Monday, October 14, 2019
ICT - Making a Database of Used Cars Essay Example for Free
ICT Making a Database of Used Cars Essay For my coursework, I am going to be making a database of used cars. The database is to help customers and staff to see what cars are available and specific information about them. Having a database file of the cars will prove beneficial to the staff as it would take less energy, time and money to search for cars than searching through paper based files. Paper based files can get lost or damaged much easier then electronic files. Electronic files can be copied, emailed, exported and backed up making it easier to organize for the business. This would be more efficient, because you can search specifically through the database to look for certain requirements to meet a customers need. In a database, you can add, edit, save, query and print records. These features are very simple for staff to carry out and are very effective. Using a database allows you to avoid errors through validation rules and input masks. A database can store a large quantity of records, which is also efficient for the business because they can store loads of information about customers. With using a database, you can also make reports, visualisations of data (graphs and charts), tables and data entry forms. This is useful to a growing business that also has a chain of shops/outlets in the country, because data can be emailed easily and the information would be sent in reports and visualisations so managers wont have to organize meetings and waste money. With a database you can combine different types data easily such as numbers and text. Data manipulation is performed by using queries. This is using a structured query language on an easy user interface to help search through records. This is beneficial for customers as well, because they can get a faster and more suitable service. Instead of waiting around for staff to find what they want, staff will be able to query the database in a matter of minutes. Overall, a database will help the business be more organized, have easy access to information and be more productive. Queries Another helpful tool that Access database has is the query tool. With this tool, you can search for anything in the database easily without spending a lot of time searching through records. This is very useful for a business as it saves a lot of time searching for cars or features that customers may ask for. Here are a range of questions that customers may ask: 1. Can you show me any blue Volvos? 2. Have you got any cars that are diesel? 3. Which four door cars do you have? 4. Which cars do you have that are below 5,000? 5. Which cars do you have that have done less than 7,000 miles? 6. Can you show me a list of black cars? Which of these cars are priced under 10,000? 7. Which Ford cars do you have? Which of these cars is priced 10,000 to 15,000? 8. Which cars do you have that have air conditioning? Which of these cars is under 10,000? 9. Which cars do you have that are over 20,000? Which of these cars are diesels? 10. Which blue cars are there? Which of these cars have 5 doors? 11. Can you show me a list of VW Golfs that have Air conditioning? 12. Which cars do you have that have 5 doors and are petrol? 13. Which Nissan cars do you have that have 3 or 5 doors, but are not petrol? 14. Which Vauxhall cars do you have that have 5 or 4 doors? 15. Which cars do you sell that have 2 doors and are petrol? Sources For my coursework, I used a range of sources for my database. These sources are all varied slightly according to the details that were present. These are the 3 different sources I used: Motor Point The Car Shop NK Motor (Sources are shown on the next three pages.) These sources seemed all accurate, and I decided on what field types I used based on the data present from these sources. I didnt use all the data from every one of these sources, as some seemed unnecessary or didnt include enough information. Example: One record only presented the make, litres and price and because it contained so little data, I did not use it. Some data, I did not copy down because I already had similar records present already: so I was looking for more of a variety. In a business, a car database will have numerous amounts of similar data for cars, but for my coursework I wanted to show as much variation as possible. Example: NK Motors: Vauxhall Zafira 1.8 Club Auto, 5 doors, Grey, 5495 The Car Shop: Vauxhall Zafira 1.8i Club Auto, 5 doors, Grey, 5995 These two records seem too similar, so I only used one of them. The method I used to collect the data was by looking at various different sources and deciding on all the data they had in common i.e. make, model, price etc. and copying down various information from each source. I double-checked all the information I copied and also made sure I did not copy down similar or same information. This method of collecting data is based on the output that I will be producing. The outputs are reports based on 5 different queries that customers may have about the cars. Reasons For Choice Of Software For my coursework I had to compile a database of second hand vehicles using current information from local garages, leaflets and newspapers. The database will be designed so that staff can obtain details of vehicles easily. After I gathered information about 50 vehicles, I decided to test the data with different softwares. These softwares were Access Database and Excel Spreadsheet. Access Database Advantages Disadvantages * Reduce errors in data with validation rules. * Data security by having the ability to put password protection on files. * Databases are designed for multiple users, and each user can have different data permissions. * Can perform many tasks efficiently reports, forms, graphs, queries etc. * Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design. * Damage to database can affect the business greatly. * Extensive conversion costs in moving form a file-based system to a database system. * Initial training required for all programmers and users. Excel Advantages Disadvantages * Its easy to edit data and the software can instantly recalculate the total for you. * Simple layout. * A database can be quickly and easily created using Excel. * New columns or rows of information can be generated easily throughout the data entry process. * A spreadsheet is a useful tool for data management as it helps to manage and sort data i.e. alphabetically. * Updating multiple table links can require a lot of tweaking with a spreadsheet application. * With a spreadsheet, by default any cell can contain any kind of data cant control what users input. * This software can contain a lot of unknown errors. I decided to choose Access Database because it was the best software to produce the required outputs. The required output is a report based on information that is processed from the database and you cant produce reports easily in Excel which is one of the first reasons I decided to use Access. Its easy to setup and you can manipulate it to make sure there are no mistakes. Multiple users can access database files which is more efficient for a business that has a lot of staff and requires updates of records. You can query a database which is relatively easier then filtering spreadsheets. You can also do more complex queries in Access then in Excel. You can find information quickly and efficiently which reduces time and money in a business. You can control what is inputted in each cell and create validation rules and error messages to assist users i.e. staff. In Excel you cant control what you put in any cell, so if you make a mistake without realising, that mistake will remain unknown which can corrupt the data and cause there to be false records present. I personally prefer to use Access Database because of its easy user interface and setup. The data that the company will be using seems more compatible for this software as well, because some of the fields are Yes/No answers which can easily be inserted using a tick box. Overall, Excel spreadsheet does have its advantages, but compared to Access Database, it isnt as efficient as it could be.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Monkeys Voyage by Alan de Queiroz | Review
The Monkeys Voyage by Alan de Queiroz | Review Introduction: There are a number of basic definitions that have to be considered before an individual before providing a scientific analysis and review of the book by Alan Quieroz (2013) that is the Monkeyââ¬â¢s voyage. One such definition is the concept of biogeography. Biogeography refers to the study of the manner in which living organism, are able to move around the planet earth. For instance, biogeography concerns itself with how the same species of monkeys are found in Africa, and in South America. In other words, Biogeography concerns itself with an analysis of the manner which the same species of animals are able to be found in the same continent. One of the major reasons advanced for the occurrence of such kind of a phenomenon is the concept of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics refers to the structure of earth, which are able travel and float independently. This is the most common argument that scientists have managed to bring out, in regard to explaining why the same species exists in different parts of the continent. Another important definition that an individual needs to understand, before scientifically analyzing this book, is the concept of vicariance. This is a term that is used for purposes of providing a description of certain types of living organisms, that were able to get separated into groups that are non-communicating, through external circumstances. Examples include the submersion of a land, the rise of a mountain range, etc. Another important term that is contained in this book is Gondwana. This is a scientific term that refers to the Southern half of the continent, which existed millions of years ago, but was able to fragment, and drift apart. Therefore, this paper is a review of the book by Dr. de Queiroz.. In providing a review of this book, the researcher will use two approaches. The first approach is the manner in which this book explains the major scientific points. The second approach would be an overall analysis of the book, and how the author manages to convey scientific ideas, and use examples to explain these ideas. Review: In writing this book, the author manages to use the three scientific approaches that are always used in scientific research. These approaches are, the identification of the historical origin of the concept, the concept itself, and any future consideration regarding the concept. In giving an explanation on the reasons why the same species are found in different parts of the continent, Dr. de Queiroz begins by providing the historical biogeography, and the reasons why he thinks that the breakage of the tectonic plates is not the major reason for the existence of the same specifies of animals, in different continents. In providing the historical origin of his points, de Queiroz is able to introduce a leading scholar of biology, by the name of Leon Croizat. De Queiroz gives us a description of the works of Croizat, and the manner in which he was able to dispute the explanation of the existence of earth by Charles Darwin, and the existence of the same species of animals in different conti nents, through the process of plate tectonics. Croizat believes that Darwin was wrong, through his concept of natural selection (De Quieroz, 11). Natural selection is a scientific process, in which the biological traits of an animal can become common, or less common, within a population. This may occur because of the traits that are inherited during the reproductive process of the organism. It is therefore important to explain that natural selection is one of the important aspects of the theory of evolution that explains the existence of the world. Therefore, another concept that is introduced in this book is evolution, which is a theoretical framework that was developed by Charles Darwin, to explain the reasons for the existence of different species of animals. These animals evolved, and through the process of natural selection, the toughest animals and species were able to survive, and hence exists. The theory of evolution and natural selection focuses on the environment in explaining the reasons why animals are found in a particular continent or environment. Based on these facts, it is therefore possible to denote that this is a theoretical framework that does not support the use of the theory of tectonic plates to explain the reason why the same species of animals are found in the same region. This section further brings us to the concept of historical biogeography, and the reasons why it is not sufficient in explaining the distribution of species around the world, or in different continents of the world. Historical biogeography is the study of the distribution of animals, and how they were distributed, based on different time scales. From this book, we are able to learn that this was one of the major concepts or elements of the theory of evolution. A good example of the historical biogeography that is depicted in the book is on the primate time tree that talks about the voyag e of the monkeys (De Quiroz, p. 214). This time tree shows the evolution of the monkeys, from the millions of years ago, to the current species of monkeys, hence reinforcing the ideas of Charles Darwin, in regard to the concept of the evolution theory. The author of this book uses the concepts of historical biogeography, to give an explanation why the Tectonic plate theory cannot explain the reasons for the existence of the same species of animals, in different continents of the world. Furthermore, in arguing against the existence of the same species of animals, in different continents, the author introduces the concept of panbiogeography. De Quiroz (p. 33) in defending his argument that animals were not found in different parts of the continent through geographical dispersal borrows this concept panbiogeography concept that was introduced by Croizat. De Quiroz argues that it was virtually impossible for the same animals to find themselves in different continents because of dispersal, and he provides examples to illustrate this point. For instance, it is not likely for the same species of snails to find themselves in the same continent, by attaching themselves to the tail of a bird, or even a spider to find itself in a different continent, by using its web, and being carried by wind. These are impossible circumstances to occur; hence this theoretical notion of tectonic plates is absurd, and uncalled for. Section two and section three of this book are used in the explanation of the reasons why the de Quiroz believes that the same species of animals did not find themselves in different continents, through the breakup of the land mass, or through the process of tectonic plates. For instance, de Quiroz does a great job, in coming up with a new method, that can be used for purposes of conducting the process of genetic sequencing. De Quiroz uses this method for purposes of estimating the period in which two populations, of the same species were able to split, in the last one hundred thousand of years. In this study, De Quiroz explains that the garter snakes were able to float in an open ocean, which was approximately 120 miles, and this is an explanation on why they can be found in different regions of the world. His study of snakes began when de Queiroz was curious on the reasons for existence of the garter snakes, at the tip of California. This was one of the major factors that contributed in the desire of Quiroz to study and examine the impact of tectonic plateââ¬â¢s theory, in the dispersal of living organisms. For instance, De Quieroz was able to wrongly assume that the species of this snake came into the region, over a long period of time, and this is through the drifting continents, when the peninsula, was able to come apart from the mainland. However, through his study of the garter snake, De Quieroz (57) comes to the conclusion that distinctive and vibrant biological communities, were creating, when living organism were able to soar through the atmosphere, and float th rough the large water mass, or water body. Through these findings, De Quieroz manages to come out of the theory of evolution and the theory of tectonic plates that explains the why the same species of animals and other living organisms are found in different continents. This type of knowledge and information is very contentious, and this is majorly because it challenges the existing body of knowledge, regarding the dispersion of animals, and other living organisms, through the process of continental drift. For instance, in the 1950s, and the 1960s, geologists were able to find that the coasts of Africa and South America were united, and through the process of tectonic plates, these coasts were separated. However, because of new technological innovations, scientists were able to measure the floor of the ocean, revealing several ridges, and this includes a ridge that was found in the Atlantic Ocean. These discoveries were able to provide a clear mechanism on the manner in which the continent was able to creep, making scientists to believe that in about 180 years back, there was the existence of a continent referred to as Gondwana that comprised of Australia, Africa, America, India, and Antarctica. The new knowledge brought about by de Quieroz was challenging these facts, and scientific knowledge, and hence this information is controversial. Furthermore, in explaining the concept of Gondwana, and the continental drifting theory, scientists use the presence of emus, rheas and ostriches, in explaining why they are found in Africa, Australia, and other continents of the world. Scientist explains that these animals were able to drift to these other continents, and this is because of the moving continents. However, the genetic studies that were conducted by De Quieroz (44), on garter snakes, was a proof that these birds found themselves in these different continents, through their movements, and not through the drifting apart of the continent. Other examples include the New World monkeys, which were able to move to South America, by rafting themselves, through the use of the earthââ¬â¢s clump, and today, they comprise of 73% of the land mammals. Conclusion: This book by Quieroz is well written, and it manages to provide clearly the views of de Quiroz, on the reasons why the same species of animals are found in different continents. The information contained in this book is controversial. This is majorly because it challenges the knowledge that existed, on the reasons why the same species of animals are found in different continents. That is the drifting of continents, hence these animals finding themselves in different geographic regions. Works Cited: De, Queiroz A. The Monkeys Voyage: How Improbable Journeys Shaped the History of Life. 2013. Print.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Mob Protesters Right or Wrong :: miscellaneous
Mob Protesters Right or Wrong Essay Outline: My essay is only around one thousand five hundred words long and in that one and a half thousand words I must give points of views from both sides as well as a introduction and this Essay Outline. The first opinion I will write about is the opinions of the labour supporters, saying how They suffered because of the petrol protests, the rights wrongs and how the wrongs were or tried to be sorted out and how long it took. Also in labours defence I shall write about how Tony Blair thinks that a cut in fuel tax will cause more problems in the future. Also I will right about the opinions of the petrol protesters, how they are helping the nation on the over taxed fuel, because they are not doing the protests for fun (although they might look fun). The newspapers I read showed what Tony Blair said about his taxing but where most of it was lies or misleading. Also what he actually did with our taxes and how some of it just went to waste like how he cut 140 road improvements programs to only 3 7 or how his ten-year à £180billion partnership with John Prescott took tree years to sort out. Is this because of his poor money management or is he getting an extra million or two in his pocket each year? These important points might creep up with some more in my essay. But to end my essay I shall Finnish with a conclusion that contains an overall view of the essay. A thanks to where I got all my information for the essay, how the essay developed and how my point of view developed as I learnt more on what happens to our taxes while labour is ruling parliament. But most importantly asking the reader the question I was given, but a little briefer, ââ¬Ë should we wait for an election to sort out the taxation problems or should we stand up and demand lower taxes to solve the taxation problemââ¬â¢. Introduction: Should the government have total control over our taxes and we can not do anything about it. Should we be able to stand up for the taxes we pay or should we wait weeks, months or years for another election. Or should we be happy for taxes knowing that itââ¬â¢s going towards our health, safety and education.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Advertising Stereotype Essay
Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of peopleââ¬âusually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation. But stereotypes can be problematic. They can: reduce a wide range of differences in people to simplistic categorizations transform assumptions about particular groups of people into ââ¬Å"realitiesâ⬠be used to justify the position of those in power perpetuate social prejudice and inequality More often than not, the groups being stereotyped have little to say about how they are represented. Anyone who examines North American entertainment and news media will notice that members of ethnic and visible minorities are inadequately represented in entertainment and news media, and that portrayals of minorities are often stereotypical and demeaning. This tendency is particularly problematic in a multicultural country, where some of the population is immigrants and some is visible minorities, along with larger urban centers. Visual representation of reality is influential in shaping peopleââ¬â¢s views of the world, where everyday realities are articulated mostly by what we see in the media. The role of advertising in this interpretation of reality is crucial. The target audienceââ¬â¢s self-identification with the images being a basic prerequisite for an advertisementââ¬â¢s effectiveness, makes advertising one of the most important factors in the building of behavior models and values systems. The way a certain notion is managed at a visual level determines how people will perceive this notion and whether they will identify with it or not. Meaning is encoded in the structure of the images, which thus become potent cultural symbols for human behavior. The framing and composition of the image, the setting, the symbolic attributes and every other element in its structure, all are engaged in the effective presentation of the underlying notion. Gender Stereotypes in Advertising Dominant discourses surrounding gender encourage us to accept that the human race is ââ¬Ënaturallyââ¬â¢ divided in to male and female, each gender realistically identifiable by a set of immutable characteristics. In Foucaultââ¬â¢s terms, relations of difference are social constructs belonging to social orders that contain hierarchies of power, defined, named and delimited by institutional discourses, to produce social practices. ââ¬Å"Gender differences are symbolic categoriesâ⬠(Saco, 1992:25). These categories are used to ascribe certain characteristics to men and women. The representation of those characteristics determines how men and women are presented in cultural forms, and really whether an individual is identified as ââ¬Ëmasculineââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëfeminineââ¬â¢. It is important to understand the big role that media, in general, and specifically advertisement plays in maintaining an ingrained gender hierarchy. The closer study of menââ¬â¢s and womenââ¬â¢s images as presented in advertising should result in uncovering the messages about their identity and role in society. Until recently, masculinity in the media was not considered problematic since there was the notion that masculinity is not constructed. ââ¬Å"Masculinity remains the untouched and untouchable against which femininity figures as the repressed and/or unspokenâ⬠(Holmlund, 1993:214). The role advertisements play in the development and perpetuation of gender-role stereotypes may include: Women Stereotypes in Advertising Advertising is an over 100 billion dollar a year industry and affects all of us throughout our lives. We are each exposed to over 2000 ads a day, constituting perhaps the most powerful educational force in society. The average American will spend one and one-half years of his or her life watching television commercials. The ads sell a great deal more than products. They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normalcy. They tell us who we are and who we should be. Sometimes they sell addictions. Advertising is the foundation and economic lifeblood of the mass media. The primary purpose of the mass media is to deliver an audience to advertisers, just as the primary purpose of television programs is to deliver an audience for commercials. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable because they are new and inexperienced consumers and are the prime targets of many advertisements. They are in the process of learning their values and roles and developing their self-concepts. Most teenagers are sensitive to peer pressure and find it difficult to resist or even question the dominant cultural messages perpetuated and reinforced by the media. Mass communication has made possible a kind of national peer pressure that erodes private and individual values and standards. But what do people, especially teenagers, learn from the advertising messages? On the most obvious level they learn the stereotypes. Advertising creates a mythical, mostly white world in which people are rarely ugly, overweight, poor, struggling or disabled, either physically or mentally (unless you count the housewives who talk to little men in toilet bowls). In this world, people talk only about products. The aspect of advertising most in need of analysis and change is the portrayal of women. Scientific studies and the most casual viewing yield the same conclusion: women are shown almost exclusively as housewives or sex objects. The housewife, pathologically obsessed by cleanliness, debates the virtues of cleaning products with herself and worries about ââ¬Å"ring around the collarâ⬠(but no one ever asks why he doesnââ¬â¢t wash his neck). She feels guilt for not being more beautiful, for not being a better wife and mother. Very unrealistic goals for ideal body shapes, which lead to high rates of anorexia nervosa and bulimia Make women believe they are valued based on their body, therefore their self-esteem is also based on how their body looks compared to others. Give messages to women that changing their appearance, they will have a better life *Men* Stereotypes in Advertising It is interesting to see that now, when things have admittedly changed for women, we still see much of the same themes in modern menââ¬â¢s advertisements. In the ads from ââ¬Å"Menââ¬â¢s Journal,â⬠we generally see a handsome, strong, successful and somewhat rugged man. The camera angles are almost invariably from the bottom up, giving us a view of the man as though we, the viewer are below him, looking up at him. All of them are young, but none are teen-aged looking. All but one have, or show remnants of facial hair. None of these ads show the man in the work place, but their depiction of leisure is that of mature success, not youthful excess. Because of the camera angles, the strong stances, the rugged good looks, and the depictions of success, these ads reinforce the stereotypes of men as strong, powerful, aggressive providers. An ad for Tommy Hilfiger shows the man with his arm around a girl who is leaning into his chest. This ad depicts a man as protector and as a heterosexual. The one ad that stands out from the group in this collection of ads from Menââ¬â¢s Journal is the one from ESPNââ¬â¢s Sportââ¬â¢s Center. This ad shows a man finishing up a piece of cake at a diner and watching Sportââ¬â¢s center from across the bar. This is a different depiction of leisure which seems directly related to the product it is selling. The rest of the ads are selling some form of apparel. They are designed to show clothes as comfortable and stylish and show that a man who wears those clothes can be the aggressive, dominant male. The Sportââ¬â¢s Center ad is selling a product that isnââ¬â¢t consumed as part of public image, but of private pleasure. The clothes worn by the models are assertively masculine, and often emphasize a broad shouldered and solid body shape. The models display a highly masculine independence and assurance, as well as the coding of narcissistic self-absorption. The choice of lighting and film stock emphasizes the surface qualities of skin, hair, eyes and the texture of clothing. Finally the cropping of the images works to produce intensity in many of the images. This stereotyped presentation of a gender role, certainly tells us that there is still a part of society that believes that men should be naturally related to power, aggression and authority. In recent years however, other aspects of masculinity have become acceptable in ads. This can be seen in the difference between the ads in Menââ¬â¢s Journal and those in Maxim. The ads from Maxim are similar to those from Menââ¬â¢s Journal but definitely appeal to a younger audience. It is therefore interesting to look at what advertisers feel is more appealing to younger men. There is one ad for Ralph Lauren Cologne that shows a young successful looking man in a shirt and tie looking over the top of the head of the women cuddling in his chest. She is looking into the camera seductively and he looks as though his mind is elsewhere. He is dominant, even arrogant in this position and once again appears successful and confident. Another ad from Maxim is for a DVD special edition of ââ¬Å"Rocky. â⬠The ad shows rocky beaten and worn but continuing to fight. The copy reads ââ¬Å"at least David had a slingshot. â⬠This ad depicts the ultimate American sports hero, appealing men, both young and old. In-short, disadvantages with Men Stereotyping, are: Show ideal for body type, also which can be unrealistic Show men as aggressive and in control of things, including women Womenââ¬â¢s problems are ââ¬Å"fixableâ⬠, you either fit the part of the masculine ideal or you do not Negative Stereotypes in Advertising Aunt Jemima, Darkie toothpaste, Uncle Ben and the infamous ââ¬Å"Waaaaaz upâ⬠crew from the people at Budweiser are some blatantly stereotypical roles that have had many conscious blacks frustrated during the past century. Darkie toothpaste may be unfamiliar to many Americans today because it was marketed in Hong Kong until March 1990. The toothpaste package featured a minstrel character with a wide smile. The character appeared to have placed black soot on his well-rounded face and red lipstick around his mouth while smiling large with gleaming white teeth. To make the character completely minstrel-like, the character added a large brimmed top hat to grace his head. According to Jamieson and Campbell, the authors of ââ¬Å"News, Advertising, Politics and the Mass Media: the Interplay of Influence,â⬠Darkie toothpaste was removed because of its negative connotation of the word ââ¬Å"Darkieâ⬠and not so much the image on the box. The regional commercial director for Hawley and Hazel (the makers of Darkie toothpaste) said, ââ¬Å"We want the name of our toothpaste to be internationally acceptable. However, some people consider the word ââ¬ËDarkieââ¬â¢ racially offensive, particularly in America. â⬠Itââ¬â¢s not that the name is not offensive, but the image was not even discussed. Associating the name with such an offensive image makes the toothpastes image just a bit more offensive. If Darkie toothpaste were associated with an image of dark yellow teeth with a contradictory image of a bright smile shown next to the crude picture, it would have shown a whole new connotation to the brand name. The frightening thing about this image is it was only removed from circulation 13 years ago, well after the Civil Rights Movement. Aunt Jemima has been a character that has shown a dramatic change throughout the years. Aunt Jemima wore a red and white scarf over her head. Now Aunt Jemima has a well-groomed coif and a slimmer face that graces the boxes of pancake, waffle and syrup bottles across the world. The changing images of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are representative of the changes in American culture today. Although we do not see blacks as cooks, maids and servants anymore, we may see a new stereotype arising. The ââ¬Å"Waaaz upâ⬠crew from the recent Budweiser commercials is an example of this theory. This campaign was very effective and catchy. It had people ââ¬â black, white and every race in between ââ¬â making it a staple in our ever-changing language. Budweiser did not only stereotype blacks in America but also other often-stereotyped groups. The Italian mobsters constantly repeating ââ¬Å"How you doin? â⬠and the ââ¬Å"yuppieâ⬠stereotype stating, ââ¬Å"How are yooooooou doing. â⬠The only people that spoke proper English in these advertisements were the upper class white men. The images of blacks have increased by number but not by quality. According to the Journal of Advertising, blacks spend more than $279 billion a year on consumer goods, yet the advertisers are only spending approximately $865 million a year to reach them. This disproportionate figure reveals why many advertisements misrepresent blacks across America. Only a small percentage of the black population is professional athletes, yet they are the majority of endorsers for black products. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women must demand a wider variety of roles in advertisements for it may negatively affect the children of tomorrow. If we are only being shown in narrow roles, our future generation may not aspire to be anything but rappers and athletes, instead of politicians, doctors or lawyers. Ask the advertisers, ââ¬Å"Waaaz up wit dat? â⬠Research supports that mass stereotyping groups of people does not work in the development and marketing of business ideas. Although many corporations still try to capitalize on stereotypes, this line of thinking simply does not work as effectively as the old ââ¬Å"mom and pop country storeâ⬠approach to business: Getting to know your customers as intimately as possible. If grouping populations like cattle into marketing niches worked, why would major corporations still continue to invest so heavily into studying consumer habits and demographics? If this type of marketing philosophy worked well then anyone with a great business idea could make it simply by targeting. Obviously, this is not so. *Stereotypin*g Myths For example, stereotype marketing ideologies might focus too much on one group and ignore another equally, or even more important. For example, target only kids for (non-PC) video games and lose access to millions of customers. Nearly a quarter of all video games are purchased by consumers aged 40 and older, and 38% of all video game sales are made by women. Another case in point: Senior citizens have become the fastest-growing population in the United States. ; however, mass marketing to seniors has remained somewhat elusive. Several pioneers in the senior marketing industry note that age alone has little to do with the interests of senior consumers. Those who have attempted to cash in on the senior population, simply lumping retirees together by age, have failed, and miserably so. When it comes to advertising, ââ¬Å"marketingâ⬠studies that offer only cold statistics may play less of a role than you think in developing successful marketing strategies and advertising campaigns. Customers can be your best or worst source of advertising. Word of mouth referrals, especially in the age of the Internet, should not be undervalued. And, since consumers are more likely to complain than to compliment, it pays to have customer-friendly and trustworthy complaint resolution practices in place. It pays to see your customers as individuals, with common needs, but not as groups who, because of stereotype images, have lemming-like behaviors when it comes to making purchases.
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